Park Vista, East

Bradenton, FL

Life on the Boardwalk

Residents of Park Vista aren’t missing out on much. This five-story luxury apartment building runs along the Manatee River and Bradenton boardwalk, with sweeping views of the water, marine life and yacht life. Built with young professionals in mind, this landmark property offers ample amenities, outdoorsy adventures and easy commuting to nearby Tampa.

A Vista on Every Level

Residents will have access to all the modern amenities, most notably a fifth-story sky lounge and mezzanine with a rooftop terrace that provides unobstructed views of sails and manatees floating by. The majority of units will be river side, and the most premium will have oversized patios perfect for sharing the vista with friends and neighbors. Several live-work studios are also available on the ground floor.

Lessons Learned

The small-ish site presented some feasibility challenges and we worked with the developer and local businesses to get creative with parking spaces and land swapping. To get the footprint required, the Developer (who’s also a local landowner) traded a parcel of land with the arts museum next door. Not only did this give us what we needed to make the property work, the museum will now be able to expand their own footprint and modernize their building.